Friday, May 17, 2013

Please add your memories and condolences in the comments


  1. I'm going to miss you brother. You were more than just a marine brother for me, you were family. Often times, one never knows what kind of impact a person has on another until it's too late to tell them. I love you and you will truly be missed. I promise you that I will do anything and everything humanly possible to ensure your wife and kids are taken care of. Rest in peace.

  2. Joe, you were such a constant in my life for years that I think I took you for granted and I'm so sorry I never told you how much you truly impacted me and the person I am today. You and I had so much in common I often wondered if we truly were related somehow. When my family and I were at odds, you were the brother I always had to keep my head up. Remember that time we stuffed like seven of us crazy Jarheads into your Camry and went out clubbin' in DC? Remember how those crazy yankees knew nothing of our 'booty music' in that same club and we got it crunk as hell up in there, bankhead bouncing all over that place and made everyone stare until they were all finally going whoo whoo with us? Yeah, man, those were the days. Clubbin' just ain't the same without you there man.

    You, Pia, and the boys mean so much to Krystle and I and you will never be forgotten. That crazy smile of yours up there is how we will always remember you bro. Semper Fi devil dog and hold down the fort till we get there!

  3. Joe, your path proves painfully obvious that we never know how much time we have left.

    Never afraid to speak your mind, you have taught me that a smile and some kind words go farther in this world than anything tangible.

    Strength to know what your heart tells you and the courage to live your life according to your heart - is true strength.

    One day, we hope to make sense of this, but not today.

    There is a lot of ugly in this world; going the other direction is a sure sign you're on a noble path.

    You will forever inspire.

  4. I'm so very sorry to hear of this. I never thought I would be hearing sad news like this of someone I trained. Marines have always been special to me. They know how to work and play hard. Sad news today. Rest in Peace.

  5. Joe, I didn't know you well except a few bbqs and a TON of stories from Travis/Rizzo, my husband. I wish your loved ones love, condolences and you as we say in my culture, manuia lou malaga (have a good journey) because this is not the end. You will go on in the hearts and minds of the people that love you.

  6. Bama, as we called him here, I will miss you brother. I am so grateful that i got to know you and work with you. I still half expect to see you and Mike walking down Gator Ally. I will have that whiskey shot for you when i get back state side, i know you would approve. I will never forget you. Your family is in my thoughts. - Heather

  7. Joe you and heather were one of the first people I met when I moved to Hawaii to live with my daughter we had a lot of drinks together and some good cook outs as well. thank you for taking me home that one night I was in the wheel chair I don't think I could have stood up and walked back on my own. I will always remember you R.I.P. Garry Johnston

  8. Joe will be missed greatly. Like many others I met Joe in Hawaii and spent many nights/mornings under his carport playing cards, telling lies and laughing until we cried. You also opened your house up to my son as Heather would watch him during the day. You were strong, yet caring and I am proud to have calked you a friend. Keep watch over Heaven's gate until we get there - The Hatten Family

  9. I met Joe Elrod at Ft. Belvior. We were part of a group of 18-19 year old kids who thought we were so damn grown up. Looking back on those days, you can see how young we all were. Then we were stationed at Camp LeJeune together after that, where we all got to grow up, making the transition to true adulthood together. Joe Elrod, even as a "grown up" was still an irrepressible, hilarious, free spirit, even in an organization as strict and regimented as the Marine Corps. Joe made things a hell of a lot more interesting than they would have been otherwise. He'll be missed.

  10. Damn sad news. Joe, you'll be missed. We send our prayers and condolences to your family. Semper Fi brother.
    - The Jeffcoat Family.

  11. I met Joe when he was part of the study abroad group there. I don't think I've met many more people who are as genuinely likable as Joe. At USF I'd run into Joe all the time, and can't think of anyone I enjoyed shooting the breeze with more than him. He'll be missed.

  12. Pia, I am still with loss of words this morning. Those sweet memories we have with Joe is still fresh. He is such a cherished friends, Parker, Chen Nan and I will always have him in our hearts. I still remember when we hug each other at our door when he was about to go in Feb. I still remember when we first know each other at the playground in YorkU and he was talking with Parker in his sweet voice. He is a true hero and we will never forget him. Rest in peace and we will meet in heaven one day again!

  13. My family and I send our prayers and condolences to Elrod and his family. When I first heard this, I had just left theater. Elrod always had a great personality around the shop and helped anyone no matter what. You will be sorely missed by all Joe.
    - The Kranz Family.

  14. Still doesn't seem real. From the very first day of kindergarten we clicked. I have to say, junior and senior year, there's too many memories to count. The countless trips to Atlanta, bumpin like crazy in the 240. Man you are missed bro. Prayers to all your family and to the countless people who lost a friend that day!! Love ya brother

  15. RIP Joseph!! You will be missed by all who knew you. Thank you for your sacrifice to 'keep America FREE'. May GOD wrap his arms around your family. We knbow you are in a better place.

  16. Today I stood in front of the mirror and from time to time I contemplate what hairstyle I want. I started something that I wasn't sure about and half way through I just changed to buzz cut #1 and took it all off. It was as if Joe was starring into the mirror saying come on just do it! I wish I could upload the pic I took but it was my little thank you to such an amazing man. My time with Joe was brief but he certainly knew how to leave an impact. He gave selflessly, spoke up, kept his word and was an amazing father to his two boys but I don't want to ramble on on this we already know. Pia my love, wow are you doing an amazing job! I want to tell you how amazing you and strong you are in so many ways but I hope this suffices. Your two little troublemakers need a pillar now more than ever and I am so glad its you. Its hard to use the word celebration in this moment but I am sure that is exactly what Joe would want us to do, celebrate and live life to the fullest. The road will be hard but always know that I and everyone in geography who has had the honour to meet joe, will always be there for you in what ever way we can. Joe served his country with pride and a realness I am yet to meet in someone else and Logan and Patrick have great genes! I wish I could grow a beard but I don't think Joe wants to wait that long for a little laugh. Pia I wish you, the boys and the Elrod family all the best and once again I extend any help and all of my condolences.

  17. Melesa Fiessler SheffieldMay 21, 2013 at 10:25 PM

    RIP Joseph u wuz my stepson & I'm dyin inside. I'm here wit ur Dad Arthur Coleman Elrod takin care of him. We will c u soon..<3

  18. Joe, I will never forget all the good times we all had in Hawaii. BBQ's, redneck slip-n-slide, drinks, and more. You were a great man and touched the lives of so many people. You will be missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing you. Rest In Peace buddy!

  19. Lynn Maddox DavisMay 22, 2013 at 1:41 AM

    I have never met Joe or his family but from a fellow Blount Countian and a military mom my heart breaks for his family. Joe your legacy lives on in your children. Fly high you will never be forgotten. Thank you for the ultimate sacrifice to your country, your state, you county and your community. RIP

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. You’ll be dearly missed, Joe. The miserable exercises, long stays at sea, and arduous missions were all made better, inexplicably fun at times, by your presence. Your tireless humor was only matched by your loyalty, and I was so grateful to have the opportunity to see that you’re an even better dad than friend. I wish I had more poignant things to say, but your being gone kind of knocked the words out of me. Love you, buddy. ~ Alex

  22. I first met Joe on a crazy deployment to CENTCOM in 2004 and we remained friends throughout his time in Hawaii. He and SSgt Elrod taught me so much during that deployment. The memories of Joe always bring a smile to my face. He was a good man, wonderful son, great father, devoted husband, and incredible friend. He brought a lot of light and laughter into people’s lives. I will never forget that crazy man. He will truly be missed.

    Rest well my friend for we have the watch.

    Imani Gudger

    1. I mistakenly wrote SSgt Elrod instead of SSgt Tuffs. I am sorry for any confusion that I may have caused.

      Imani Gudger


  24. Joe and the whole family, you guys have shown me much love and a friendship I'll always cherish. Its people like you guys that really make a difference in this world! My deepest condolences and up most respect go out to yall I'll never forgot how Pia and her cousin Nicole help to tutor me through Spanish and how Joe's mom gave me such good advise on life, also Joe and I's trip to Gainesville for the usf football game! It was epic! Haha I know this must be one of hardest things life has ever thrown at you but I know you guys are strong and god shall bless you with with his love! Rip in peace old friend! Chase Mahnensmith

  25. Joe,

    I know you are watching over us now brother. I miss you and will always treasure the times we spent together. You always knew how to make me laugh. You always had my back. I can't thank you enough for being my friend. Friends like you are one in a million and never replaced. I am truly lost on words. Rest in peace Joe.

    Nick Tufts

  26. So many thoughts and prayers remain with the Warrior family of Joseph Elrod. – Gone but never forgotten…Thank You Hero for your
    Service and your Sacrifice.
    Warmly, Beth ~ Military Moms United

  27. When I first came to Camp Lejeune as an FNG you treated me like a member of your family. You were so kind, funny, intelligent and wild. You truly had an original soul. Q I will miss you terribly. -Sean

  28. Joe I am lost for words son, Just still can not believe this has happen to such a wonderfull man, son, father , brother and friend, Joe you was not only my son your were my friend, I could always talk to you so easy you would help me try to figure out what was the best thing to do , and set me straight on things, Son I am always going to be knowing you are above watching over Pia,Will,Patrick,Logan Ashley ,Jacob,Mason,Memphis and your Mom everytime we look up we know you are looking down son . MOTHER LOVES YOU AND WILL ALWAYS THINK OF YOU EVERYDAY, there are so many things I still wanted to say to you son I am so very proud of you as a son, brother,husband,father and a Marine .That beautiful Smile we will as ways try to wear it on our faces. Just know son Jacob , Ashley, your Marine family and I will always take care of Pia , Will,Patrick and Logan They will be in the USA with us some way.LOVE YOU MY SON, MOM

  29. Tommy (Mick) McGinleyMay 23, 2013 at 11:11 AM

    Joe you were a great friend and a damn good Marine. Thankyou for for all you did for me. I will always remember the good times we had together. Whether it was watching college football together at your house on Saturdays or inviting me to be a part of your wedding(even though I got a bit tipsy and sang kelly clarkson karaoke). You will always be remembered. I love you Brother! Semper Topo!

  30. Joe,

    Its your adopted cousin Nicole, lol. I just want to say you are an inspiring person who sacrificed his life for the freedom of ours. I've always had great respect for you and admire how you've always put family first. I know how much you loved my cousin Pia and the boys and our entire family. I just want to say to you: you will never be forgotten, your a hero in my heart forever and I will do anything in my power for Pia to remain in the USA and for the boys to grow up here with the support of your family and ours. No words can express how sad Ive felt these past couple days, all the good memories, many laughs, Spanish talks, exercise tips. I will miss you a lot and youve made more of an impression on me than you know. Proud of you and you will always be my fave gringo cousin who knows/understands perfect Spanish. I know you are your family's guardian angel now :). Rest in Peace, your memory will be honored.

  31. joe this does not seem real you were always one of the greatest friends I had I want to say thank you for your service to our country I will always remember how you were always smiling and laughing and just being you REST IN PEACE brother gone but not for gotten hooya

  32. Joe was a great man and a great Marine. It was an honor to serve alongside him at 2d Intel Bn. He will be missed by all. My sincerest condolences to his family.

    WO Billy Gregory

  33. "Then young women will dance and be glad,
    young men and old as well.
    I will turn their mourning into gladness;
    I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow."
    Jeremiah 31:13
    So many people loves you, you'll always be in our hearts. So proud of being your sister in law. Rest in peace and keep watching over your family. Sooner or later we'll see you again, Good bye Elrod!!!

    1. i mean "love you", sorry....

  34. My heartfelt condolences on the loss of your loved one, as well as gratitude for his service to help keep us safe in our world. Rest in peace, Officer Elrod.

  35. You were an amazing man. You touched so many lives. There are so many memories I have of you running through my head. There are so many things I want to say to you, but will never have the chance. Please watch over your wife and your 3 young boys. They will need you to give them strength. RIP Joseph.

  36. Joe, let your guard down and be rested. Your turn at the ready has ended. Know that you impacted so many lives with your positive light. It is we who are left behind who must carry on and continue the fight. We will do this in your memory.
    Elrod Family, you have the heavy hearts of many who mourn with you. Joe remains with all of us in one way or another. His legacy will continue. Please accept the condolences of an entire Marine community.

  37. I just heard of your passing on today. I'm sad and still in disbelief. I remember taking classes with you in our undergrad years. And planning to apply to schools in Canada to evade the GRE.Infact, that's the last time I saw you. May God rest your soul in peace.

  38. Bye Joe! You were such an amazing friend and I'll miss you a lot. RIP my friend.

  39. Rest in peace brother. I'll never forget the laughs and good times we all had in and around the geography department, as well as around the city. I'm glad to have a genuine friend and fellow beardsman like you. My next winter beard is dedicated to you, buddy.

    Pia, it was a pleasure to have met you, even if rather briefly, and I wish you and your boys all the best with many more great years to come. I know your boys are very fortunate to have had a guy like Joe in their lives, and they'll certainly never forget him.

    Much love,


  40. Joseph, I love you and miss you. I am so glad you dropped in last Christmas and we got to see you, we didn't know it would be our last time.I can't watch any thing about the war now because I don't want to see anyones son or daughter get killed. This is hard to bear.Love you, I am trying to stay in touch with Pia and all 3 boys.

  41. Took you some flowers today, this still doesn't seem real. Love you forever and always.

  42. Hey Elrod. Man... I was googling a few people from boot camp to see how everyone was doing.
    It was genuinely tough. I shook my head then refocused to try and see if it was true.
    Along the years I have always mentioned you and Mickles in my boot camp stories.
    We were a riot. Through it all we always made sure to try and have a little fun. Try to make light of it all. We did a damn good job and that’s why we were always hearing it from the DIs. Good time man, good times. I appreciate you MARINE.
    You are missed brother.
